Traits and Rarities

Traits and Rarities that compose the Natmonkeys

Pattern Set "Contains 420"


Contains “4” and "0"

Ordinals Shirt Logo

1446 (17.9%)

Contains “420”

Bitcoin Shirt Logo

38 (0.47%)

Pattern Set "Contains 8s"


Contains "8" and "8"

Emerald Earrings

977 (12.1%)

Contains “88”

Silver Earrings

244 (3.0%)

Contains “888”

Gold Earrings

17 (0.2%)

Contains “8888”

Diamond Earrings

1 (<0.1%)

Contains “88888”

+ Piercing

0 (unreleased)

Pattern Set "Contains 9s"


Contains "9" and "9"

Red Bandana

473 (5.9%)

Contains “99”

Orange Bandana

244 (3.0%)

Contains “999”

Blue Bandana

17 (0.2%)

Contains “9999”

Black Bandana

1 (<0.1%)

Pattern Set "Contains 0s"


Contains “0”

Bored Eyes

2572 (31.9%)

Contains “00”

Red Eyes

242 (3.0%)

Contains “000”


17 (0.2%)

Contains “0000”

Orange eyes

1 (<0.1%)

Contains “00000”

Green Eyes

0 (unreleased)

Pattern Set "Contains 1s"


Contains “11”

Red Nose

152 (1.9%)

Contains “111”

White Nose

8 (0.1%)

Contains “1111”

Skull Nose

0 (unreleased)

Contains “11111”

Running Nose

0 (unreleased)

Pattern Set "Contains perfect square"


Contains 4 digit perfect square AND core trait eyes look right is TRUE

Laser Eyes Right

207 (2.5%)

Contains 4 digit perfect square AND core trait eyes look left is TRUE

Laser Eyes Left

17 (0.2%)

Contains 4 digit perfect square AND core trait eyes look crossed is TRUE

Laser Eyes Crossed

2 (<0.1%)

Contains 5 digit perfect square


43 (0.5%)

Contains 6 digit perfect square


5 (<0.1%)

*Laser eyes has conditional variations based on "look direction". Laser eye direction will match the direction of look direction trait.

Pattern Set "Is multiple"


Is multiple of “12”


672 (8.3%)

Is multiple of “13”


620 (7.7%)

Is multiple of “14”

Bitcoin Cap

576 (7.1%)

Is multiple of “15”


536 (6.6%)

Is multiple of “16”

Wizard Hat

504 (6.3%)

Is multiple of “69”


116 (1.4%)

Pattern Set "Is multiple 11"


Is multiple of 11


732 (9.1%)

Is multiple of “888”


8 (0.1%)

Pattern "Power of 7"


Contains power of 7


2509 (31.1%)

Pattern Set "Contains 6-digit Palindrome"


Contains 6 digit palindrome

Red Cape

7 (<0.1%)

Pattern Set "Contains Fibonacci"


Contains 3 digit fibonacci


283 (3.5%)

Contains 4 digit fibonacci

Rainbow Necklace

4 (<0.1%)

Contains 5 digit fibonacci

Golden Choker Necklace

1 (<0.1%)

Contains 6 digit fibonacci

Silver Choker Necklace

0 (unreleased)

Contains 7 digit fibonacci

Diamond Choker Necklace

0 (unreleased)

Pattern Set "Side of Array" Type: Exclusive (establishes left/right/center segments of an array assuming layout of 10000 block numbers per row, as a reference to metaverse frameworks like Bitmap).


Last 4 digits are < 4800 (left side of array)

Eyes look right

6288 (78.0%)

Last 4 digits are > 5200 (right side of array)

Eyes look left

1424 (17.7%)

Last 4 digits > 4800 and < 5200 (center of array)

Eyes cross-eyed

352 (4.4%)

Digit-based Pattern sets The following pattern sets assign traits based on the digits of Bitcoin block numbers. Digits are assigned in reverse order. So in the Bitcoin block number 456789, the numerical value for digit 1 is “9”.

Pattern set "Digit 1 value"


D1 = 0

TShirt = Moss Green

807 (10.0%)

D1 = 1

TShirt = Purple

807 (10.0%)

D1 = 2

TShirt = Lilac

804 (10.0%)

D1 = 3

TShirt = Yellow

804 (10.0%)

D1 = 4

TShirt = Blue

805 (10.0%)

D1 = 5

TShirt = Brown

805 (10.0%)

D1 = 6

TShirt = Light grey

808 (10.0%)

D1 = 7

TShirt = Green

808 (10.0%)

D1 = 8

TShirt = Pink

808 (10.0%)

D1 = 9

TShirt = Orange

808 (10.0%)

Pattern set "Digit 2 value"


D2 = 0

Base Type = Orange

800 (9.9%)

D2 = 1

Base Type = White

800 (9.9%)

D2 = 2

Base Type = Purple

800 (9.9%)

D2 = 3

Base Type = Alien

804 (10.0%)

D2 = 4

Base Type = Pink

816 (10.1%)

D2 = 5

Base Type = Black

812 (10.1%)

D2 = 6

Base Type = Red

800 (9.9%)

D2 = 7

Base Type = Zombie

808 (10.0%)

D2 = 8

Base Type = Ice

820 (10.2%)

D2 = 9

Base Type = Brown

804 (10.0%)

Pattern set "Digit 3 value"


D3 = 0

Tail Stripes = Grey

800 (9.9%)

D3 = 1

Tail Stripes = Orange

800 (9.9%)

D3 = 2

Tail Stripes = Green

800 (9.9%)

D3 = 3

Tail Stripes = Moss Green

816 (10.1%)

D3 = 4

Tail Stripes = Light Pink

800 (9.9%)

D3 = 5

Tail Stripes = Mustard Yellow

816 (10.1%)

D3 = 6

Tail Stripes = Light Orange

800 (9.9%)

D3 = 7

Tail Stripes = Aqua Blue

800 (9.9%)

D3 = 8

Tail Stripes = Pink

800 (9.9%)

D3 = 9

Tail Stripes = Tangerine

832 (10.3%)

Pattern set "Digit 4 value" Mouth Overlay


D4 = 0

Mouth Overlay = Fangs

592 (7.3%)

D4 = 2

Mouth Overlay = Bubblegum

744 (9.2%)

D4 = 3

Mouth Overlay = Blunt

3000 (37.2%)

D4 = 4

Mouth Overlay = Cigarrete

2304 (28.6%)

D4 = 8

Mouth Overlay = Tongue

424 (5.3%)

D4 = 9

Mouth Overlay = Pizza

1000 (12.4%)

D4 = 1, 5, 6, 7

No Overlay

0 (unreleased)

Pattern set "Digit 5 value"


D5 = 0

Background = Light Pink

0 (unreleased)

D5 = 1

Background = Yellow

0 (unreleased)

D5 = 2

Background = Aqua Blue

5456 (67.7%)

D5 = 3

Background = Orange

592 (7.3%)

D5 = 4

Background = Cream

0 (unreleased)

D5 = 5

Background = Dark Green

0 (unreleased)

D5 = 6

Background = Light Green

0 (unreleased)

D5 = 7

Background = Dark Blue

0 (unreleased)

D5 = 8

Background = Purple

0 (unreleased)

D5 = 9

Background = Light Grey

0 (unreleased)


Background = Grey

2016 (25%)

Pattern set "Digit 6 value"


D6 = 0

Mouth = Open

2016 (25%)

D6 = 1

Mouth = Round

2016 (25%)

D6 = 2

Mouth = Open Blue Tongue

0 (unreleased)

D6 = 3

Mouth = Round Blue Tongue

0 (unreleased)

D6 = 4

Mouth = Open Acid Tongue

0 (unreleased)

D6 = 5

Mouth = Yellow Teeth

0 (unreleased)

D6 = 6

Mouth = Teeth One Line

2016 (25%)

D6 = 7

Mouth = Round Acid Tongue

0 (unreleased)

D6 = 8

Mouth = Teeth

2016 (25%)

D6 = 9

Mouth = Lips

0 (unreleased)

Last updated